Do you ever have one of those days, or weeks, or months, where no matter what obstacle is thrown in your way here and there you just push through and continue on your way until all of a sudden you just hit that wall and everything comes crashing down? That is currently where I'm at now. solitude | ˈsäləˌt(y)o͞od | noun the state or situation of being alone : she savored her few hours of freedom and solitude . • a lonely or uninhabited place . ORIGIN Middle English : from Old French , or from Latin solitudo , from solus ‘ alone . ’ A couple weeks after moving here and settling into the routine of coastguard life on the island I realized something that made my heart sink. I was alone, and only one other human being on this island knew my name. And I realized I was very out of practice in the art of going forth and meeting people, for it had been years upon years that I ...
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