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I just can't "adult" today...

Today, I woke up, I made coffee, I started laundry, went to the post office, paid a bill. Man, adulating is exhausting, am I right? Like, I need a nap now!

Just kidding. I don't have time for that, I've been keeping a 4 month old little boy alive and entertained, I don't have time to do all that other stuff, at least not uninterrupted time.

The only thing that I hate more than being grouped into the insolent and immature group of "Millennials", is the phrase "adulting", ok maybe not the "only" thing.

What started a couple years ago as a slightly funny way of complaining about day to day tasks has become such a common phrase that is being used with an underlying seriousness.

I'm just curious, when did doing everyday things become so hard that we feel the need to be patted on the back and congratulated for doing it? When did responsibilities, that literally everyone has by the way, become things that need to be glorified, or on the other hand, become something so awful to have to have and do. Are we still 5 years old?

When did we become so entitled? When did we become so expectant and lazy? So easily offended? When did we lose sight of the real definition of peace and equality?

I feel like I don't belong sometimes when I hear peers talking or read forums on things going on in today's world (mostly on first-world issues, mind you.)
I get so frustrated and flabbergasted with how things are, but not for the reason my peers do, if anything it is them who create the frustration. The masses of "sheeple", as it were...

A post ranting about my disagreements and frustrations with the blind belief and lack of common sense would do no good to anyone. In the end it would be one long run on sentence, I'm sure, and no one wants to read that.

I am so often reminded by my disagreements that it really is ok to not be one of the fish swimming in that pond. That it's ok to not even have people agree with me or even like me because of what I believe or how I live my life. 

(*one more time, a little louder, for those in the back*)

John 15:19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.


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