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just a new england girl, living in a southern, beach town world.

About 5 months ago I posted about wants Vs. needs, regarding having a job opportunity fall right into my lap and simply being scared to take it. Hard to believe how fast those months have gone by. Now I find myself 5 months into the job and loving it. Never have I worked for such genuine and caring individuals in my life. You know you enjoy your workplace and the people you are with when you are willing and happy to come in early or stay late or even take on an extra day or two that you usually have off.

Likewise the weather is much different in affecting the salon down here than at home in New England. We have gone through our first burst of "Tropical Storms" (depression 9 that was named Hurricane Hermine) gave us a Saturday off, as well as a gloomy, almost-fall-like setting. 

I close my eyes and listen to the screeches and twills of the gulls and pipers, cormorants and random pelicans, all patrolling the neighborhood after last nights rainfall. I feel the soft mist blowing around me ensconced in a cool breeze, cooler than we have felt in these months of summer. The wind has picked back up since I stepped out on my porch, toying with the wind chimes hanging in the corner. It feels like another burst could be approaching. 

The southern part of the island experienced various tornadoes as the wind and rain wreaked havoc on the rest of us, and we were woken a few times by thunderclaps and a shaking house. 

Even now the sea is still angry. I can see the waves spraying high above the dunes just from where I sit on my porch and wonder if it will allow my dear man to come home or if I will be spending this night alone. 

It feels good though. As it turns out, my soul has deeper roots in New England than I would've thought. I crave that damp chill and the gloomy days that so often accompany the autumn season up north. The oranges, yellows, and reds made even more brilliant by a foggy back drop, as well as how the sun seems to kiss everything with gold when it shines. 

So this morning I am sipping on some pumpkin coffee (courtesy of my sweet mother-in-love)and just enjoying this storm. In about 2 weeks my lovely husband and I will be going  home for a short bit to visit family and such. 

We will have just celebrated our first wedding anniversary and will be bringing home things such as cribs, changing tables, maternity clothes, and little baby items...

Yep. It sure is interesting to look back to that post about jobs and children, now finding myself thoroughly enjoying this new job and also 5 months pregnant. 

It is amazing how instantly you can fall in love and become amazingly impatient to meet the little bean inside your belly when you see it on the ultrasound screen for the very first time. Realizing that there is undeniably an itty bitty human growing inside you, depending on you for warmth, food, protection, life. It has a head, it has arms and legs. It has a freaking heartbeat! You immediately start learning to live your life for another, making sure that your actions protect and strengthen that little one. 

I have been incredibly blessed with an easy pregnancy (praying that crosses over to when we reach labor and delivery, unlikely, I know, for a first time mom) and even more so with an amazingly supportive husband who has soothed me when I freak out or breakdown, and gone with the whims of whatever my appetite has to have at the moment (including driving me an hour up the beach just to get a wendy's cheeseburger). He's laughed at me while I weep over animated Disney movies and reassured me everything is going well and that I look beautiful (even if I don't feel it) as the itty bitty bump starts to grow and the number of pre-prego pants that fit me starts to dwindle more rapidly. 

This month we will hopefully find out whether we're having a girl or boy, setting to rest the anticipation of knowing and fueling the anticipation of when we finally meet. This month we will reach the half way mark of this beautiful and crazy journey to parenthood. I thank God for the ups and downs, the joys and fears that we have experienced thus far.  May these next 3 1/2 moths be even better!
8wks old. June 2016. First ultrasound.


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