Life has changed since I started this blog. It has been nearly six years, I think. My husband and I have added 3 pets to the family, 2 sons, and have lived in 4 different homes in 3 different states. Over the past couple years, starting when we moved into our previous home, I started experiencing more anxiety over what is usually considered mundane. I started examining things that may have influenced things and triggered responses from life events and childhood. I've started examining the views I had been taught from an early age surrounding religion and politics and how you should raise a child. Are these really my views and values or have I just been regurgitating what I had been fed and told not to question because this was the "right" way?
As life has changed, as it is supposed to, I feel like it's time to shift this blog's perspective, too. It may be updated the same amount, which is laughable, but I have decided that it should be a reflection of the thoughts and conflict that go on in my head. As a mom, as a woman with undiagnosed anxiety, as an individual who is a primary caretaker of little humans teaching them about their emotions while learning my own, and as someone in a family that goes along for the ride while the military tells us where to live and for how long. Maybe these things will resonate with another person, and they will feel seen and unalone. Maybe it will fall into the silent void of this gigantic world wide web. But these will be my thoughts. They will be raw and unrefined. They will be real, because I have a distaste for fake happiness and realities made up for others to find beautiful.
So if you're along for the ride, pour a cup of coffee or crack open a beer, as I find stolen moments to jot down what's eating at me.
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